End of Life Care and Euthanasia
When it’s time to say goodbye…
Whether your furry friend is approaching their golden years or has been diagnosed with an illness, coping with the impending loss of a pet is one of the most difficult experiences a pet parent will face. We are committed to calmly and compassionately guiding our clients through the end-of-life experience and minimizing discomfort or distress - both for you and your pet.
As your pet’s health declines, you may elect to schedule a quality of life visit to decide if it’s time for your beloved friend to cross the Rainbow Bridge, to continue to care for your pet at home, or to end their suffering with euthanasia. We can help you navigate this difficult time with compassion, dignity, and understanding. Our end of life services include:
Quality of Life Consultations
Palliative Care
Pain Management and Control
Humane Euthanasia
Cremation and Aquamation
Clay Paw Imprints